Work Life Balance Series | Gina Prior

Gina Prior, Account Director, Starwood

Q.What does a regular day look like for you?

Being in sales, the priority is responding to our clients as quickly as possible and working with multiple time zones means the morning email time is essential. Client meetings and customer facing tasks are generally during business hours and I try to keep admin jobs early or late in the day. I am part of a national team so conference calls are also regular.

Q.Do you feel as though you have enough ‘time to live’ in your week for things that you like doing?

I discovered Pilates at the beginning of the year and though this means certain nights of the week I have to “push” to leave work on time, the hour of being in “the zone” rewards me with a completely clear head afterwards and find I’m a much better person at home & work.

Q.How do you manage work/life?

I need to work at maintaining the balance but recently have found a new focus on doing this and you know what – the world is still turning! For a long time, my husband and I were in the habit of talking to each other about what we had to do at work the next week on Sunday night! We were robbing ourselves of an entire weekend evening – we now make plans for movies or dinner out on Sunday nights and work talk is taboo!

Q. What are three things you can’t live without?
1. My husband (love of my life & essential support team)
2. Coffee in the morning
3. Laughing

Q. Do you have any ‘guilty pleasures’ in regards to your time?

When I travel for work, I always have a plan for getting some work done on board – I generally end up watching movies & reading magazines!

Q. Do you have any outside help?

Sometimes for work events I will engage a facilitator for extra support. At home, we are very happy to outsource various tasks we struggle finding time to do properly.

Q. How has having them changed your lifestyle for the better?

When using external assistance, the reduced stress & extra time reward far outweighs the costs.

Q. What next big exciting event is on your ‘list’?

A luxury holiday to Thailand & Singapore in November 16, the benefits of working for a global hotel & resort company!


It’s not about too much work.


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