Work Life Balance | Jo Willoughby

Jo Willoughby, Chief Operating Officer, infocus Wealth Management

What does a regular day look like for you? 

Monday to Friday for me are work days which are typically fast paced and demanding.  I’m an early riser and more often than not, I’m also early to bed.  I travel frequently for work and inside my role, my day can vary considerably.  On the weekends, I like to operate at a very different pace; taking time to reconnect with friends and family and ground myself in the natural environment.

Do you feel as though you have enough ‘time to live’ in your week for things that you like doing?  

No, not really.  I’ve become more present to this recently and so I’m trying out different things to help make a difference in this area.

How do you manage work/life?

This is a work in progress for me as work and life become increasingly more fluid through the advent of technology /smart devices and what seems to be growing societal expectations of 24/7 accessibility.  To help me achieve an equilibrium I’m comfortable with, I try to quarantine weekends as ‘my time’ and as such, I will only engage in work activity if its critical to the success of my employer, our customers or fellow team members.  Everything else can wait until Monday.

What are three things you can’t live without?  

Red wine, music and perfume.

Do you have any ‘guilty pleasures’ in regards to your time? 

A traditional Thai foot massage combined with a neck and scalp massage is my go-to guilty pleasure.

Do you have any outside help? 

Absolutely! I don’t have a problem asking for help when I need it.

How has having them changed your lifestyle for the better? 

Asking for help gives me the ability to have time to do the other things in life that are important to me.

What next big exciting event is on your ‘list’?  

Having relocated to Brisbane 18 months ago after considerable time away, I’m enjoying re-discovering Brisbane and all it has to offer.  I’m particularly enjoying connecting with like-minded people and building my network by learning more about the local start-up scene and the growing support networks for fostering entrepreneurism.  It’s an exciting time to be in Brisbane and I’m keen to understand how I might be able to contribute in some small way.


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