It is your time to live

It may seem obvious from our tag line that we are all about time to live.

When we created this line many years ago, it fit the purpose of The Concierge Collective perfectly; we are truly committed to giving you time to live.  Because it’s your time to live!  See what I did there, double meaning – clever huh!

We have been talking for years, literally, about carrying ‘busy’ as a badge of honour.  Nowadays when someone asks how you are, we no longer say “I’m fine” or “I’m really well”, we say “Good…. but so busy”.

In fact if you don’t say you’re busy we think that people will assume that we’re lazy, not-the-same-as-them, or we’ve become redundant and have kept it a secret!  To be honest I’m kinda over it!

There is zero benefit to you or anyone else in accepting that ‘busy’ is the status quo and we seek social proof that is now what modern life looks like – I’m calling BS on that.

Sure life can be busy, if you want it to be, but it doesn’t mean that YOU have to be busy.  The only person who misses out from this state of being is you.  Your life, your time, your goals, your hobbies, your kids, your partner, your everything.

So you can either (a) stop over scheduling yourself like a crazy person; or (b) if that’s impossible get some help.

It IS your time to live – you won’t get a second shot at it


Work Life Balance | Sian McPherson