Has sexism led to the popularity of concierge services?

There is no doubting the concierge services are on the rise, in all industries. Banks, real estates, apartment building, shopping centres – all are appealing to the high end consumer in order to appear more sophisticated. Or is it that they really do care about their customer? I highly doubt it.

What are other reasons for rise of concierge services?

Has sexism really led to the popularity of concierge services? We beg to differ. Want to know the reason why? Most of our clients are professional women. Women without children, and women with children. Women who have lots of spare time on their hands but don’t wish to undertake the task at hand, and women who are time-poor. If the end of sexism was the reason for the rise in concierge services, wouldn’t it be the other way around. Wouldn’t the men be calling us – ‘I need help! My wife is working all day and there’s nobody to cook my dinner and iron my shirts!’

No, we think the rise in concierge services is because we’ve come to the conclusion that our time is valuable and we deserve #timetolive

“Once upon a time, people had wives or secretaries who performed concierge-style tasks. The end of sexism is a compelling explanation for the concierge explosion, but hardly the only one. Baby boomers, known for their sense of entitlement and lust for instant gratification, are also pushing the trend. However, those attitudes aren’t confined to one generation. “People want to be recognized,” says Vertu’s Woolff. “They like to reward themselves. It feels good to have people do something for you.”


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