Do you want to be a domestic goddess?

Well it would appear that most of us are certainly trying to be – or at least are in training for it!

A recent survey released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that too many women are doing unpaid domestic work.  You might ask “when did we ever get paid for it”, but why are we spending so much time doing it?

The survey asked 70,000 local women between 35 and 64 years how much unpaid domestic work they undertook each week.  Of these women an astounding 70% did at least 15 hours and a staggering 20% did over 30 hours, that’s almost the equivalent of a full time job!

I’m not bloke-bashing here but I suspect that the same statistics were not offered for the man of the house.  Clearly there is still a gender imbalance within the home, although we probably didn’t need the ABS to tell us that!

Are we letting this happen?  Are we being sabotaged by the guys who can easily find a glass to pour a beer but can’t remember where they go when asked to unpack the dishwasher – I know weird huh!

Of course, the reality is that someone has to do these things, that loo won’t clean itself.  But do we need to spend so much time and be so obsessive about it?  

Come on ladies, what’s happening here?

It’s time we had a long hard look at what our priorities are?   At the end of the day  I’m tipping that separating whites from coloured is not high on the list!  What happened to all those leisure activities we say “one day I’m going to ……”, why isn’t that day today?


Have a white Christmas!


Are we becoming less connected?